Information pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR")

If you are a private individual

If you are a private individual, when you register, enter or reply to an advertisement we ask you to provide us with some data that you need to use our service.

These are, for example, the data we ask you:

  • address, email and password

You can also choose to provide us with the following information:

  • first name
  • date of birth
  • sex
  • city ​​or municipality of reference
  • telephone number

As part of using the service, you can use the "Messages" and "Chat" functions to communicate with other users or with our Customer respectively.

Third party data

If you provide personal data of third parties, such as those of your family or friends, you must be sure that these subjects have been adequately informed and have consented to the related processing in the manner described in this statement.

Data of minors 1 6

If you are under the age of 16 you cannot provide us with any personal data nor can you register on mister coffe srl, and in any case we do not assume responsibility for any false statements you provide. If we become aware of the existence of untruthful declarations, we will proceed with the immediate cancellation of any personal data acquired.

If you are a professional

If you are a professional, when you create a professional account you are asked to provide us with some data:

  • company name, VAT number, contact name, email address, telephone number
  • other data: professional category and full address

We use your data to guarantee you access to our services and their provision, including:

  • registration and creation of the reserved area
  • communications related to the provision of the service
  • contact with the Customer
  • activities of an administrative, financial or accounting nature, such as those relating to the purchase of paid services and any credit recovery

These treatments are necessary to correctly provide the services to the users who join them.

We also use your data to improve and implement the service, through the following treatments:

  • detection of your current (approximate) location to facilitate the use of some functions of the service.
  • communications relating to services similar to those used by you
  • market research, optional surveys and surveys of the degree of user satisfaction

    We use the data collected, if you have expressly given us your consent, to inform you about promotional activities that may interest you.

    In particular we use them for:

    • communicate promotional, commercial and advertising activities on events, initiatives or partnerships via e-mail, SMS or push notifications; only if you are a professional, for telephone calls through an operator, a customer care service consisting in the offer of dedicated services at the sales stage.
    • carry out analysis and reporting activities connected to promotional communication systems, such as detecting the number of open e-mails, clicks made on the links present in the communication, the type of device used to read the communication and the related operating system or the list of unsubscribed from the newsletter.

      We process the collected data, if you have expressly given us your consent, to analyze your habits or consumption choices in order to offer you an increasingly personalized service in line with your interests and to improve our commercial offer. In any case, these analyzes are not related to an automated decision-making process.

The provision of personal data is mandatory only for the processing necessary for the provision of the services offered (any refusal for the purpose of providing the service makes it impossible to use the service itself); it is optional for promotional and profiling purposes and any refusal to give consent does not have negative consequences on the provision of the service offered within the website and related applications.

Data controller 3P srl VAT number IT08702021216 Riviera di chiaia, 2887 - 80121 NAPLES in the person of its pro-tempore legal representative

The data controller makes use of data processors to achieve the specified purposes and a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to monitor the protection of personal data.

The person in charge of the protection of personal data (Data Protection Officer) pursuant to art. 37 of the GDPR is Avv. Nicotra. We remind you that you can contact the DPO at any time and send any question or request regarding your personal data and respect for your privacy by writing to the email address

The data collected as part of the service provision may be disclosed to:

  • companies that perform functions strictly connected and instrumental to the operation - including technical - of the services, such as for example suppliers that provide services aimed at reviewing and verifying products, suppliers of direct marketing and customer care services, companies that provide archiving, administrative, payment and billing, associated companies.
  • administrative and judicial bodies and authorities by virtue of legal obligations

Your personal data may be transferred outside the European Union to be processed by some of our service providers. In this case, we make sure that this transfer takes place in compliance with current legislation and that an adequate level of protection of personal data is guaranteed based on an adequacy decision, on standard clauses defined by the European Commission or on Binding Corporate Rules.

Under no circumstances do we give or sell personal data to third parties.

You can, at any time, view your personal data in your reserved area. Log into your account and click on the "Reserved Area" section.

Remember that you can revoke the consents you have provided at any time by accessing your reserved area and removing the relative flag.

To export your personal data (takeout) or request its cancellation, you can send a request to the email address from the mailbox with which you registered.

Your personal data will be exported within 30 days or, if the export becomes particularly complex, within three months.

The cancellation will be carried out within the expected technical times and in accordance with the retention period specified in the following.

Any natural person who uses our service can:

  • obtain from the owner, at any time, information about the existence of their personal data, the origin of the same, the purposes and methods of treatment and, if present, to obtain access to personal data and information referred to in 'article 15 of the GDPR
  • request the updating, rectification, integration, cancellation, limitation of data processing in the event that one of the conditions provided for in Article 18 of the GDPR is met, the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of personal data, processed in violation of law, including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected and / or subsequently processed
  • object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection and processing of personal data provided for the purposes of commercial information or sending advertising or direct sales material or for the fulfillment of market research or commercial communication. Each user also has the right to withdraw consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to the withdrawal.
  • receive their personal data, provided knowingly and actively or through the use of the service, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and to transmit them to another data controller without hindrance
  • lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data in Italy

We remind you that for any question or request relating to your personal data and respect for your privacy you can write to the email address.

The storage of personal data will take place in paper and / or electronic / computer form and for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes, in compliance with your privacy and current regulations.

In the case of active users, the content generated by the user will be kept for 36 months for reasons of security, prevention and moderation of content in order to ensure a better quality of the same also in collaboration with the Authorities.

For purposes of analysis aimed at developing and improving the service, the user's personal data may be subject to the same retention period.

For direct marketing and profiling purposes, we keep your data for a maximum period equal to that provided for by the applicable legislation (respectively equal to 24 and 12 months).

Invoices, accounting documents and transaction data are kept for 11 years in accordance with the law (including tax obligations).

In the case of exercising the right to be forgotten through a request for express cancellation of the personal data processed by the owner, we remind you that such data will be kept, in a protected form and with limited access, only for the purpose of ascertaining and prosecuting crimes, for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of the request and subsequently they will be securely deleted or irreversibly anonymised.

Finally, we remind you that for the same purposes, the data relating to electronic traffic, excluding the contents of the communications, will be kept for a period not exceeding 6 years from the date of communication, pursuant to art. 24 of Law no. 167/2017, which implemented the EU Directive 2017/541 on counter-terrorism.

If you do not exercise any active action (for example navigation, searches and / or any other way of using the service) on the site for a period of 27 months, you will be classified as an inactive user and your personal data will be automatically deleted.

The data are collected by the indicated subjects, according to the indications of the reference legislation, with particular regard to the security measures provided for by the GDPR (Article 32) for their treatment by means of computerized, manual and automated tools and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated. and in any case in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

In compliance with the applicable legislation, an antispam verification system is active on communications between users. The data entered therein may be verified for the sole purpose of identifying illegal activities or contents that do not comply with the General Conditions of the Service, but will not be processed or communicated for commercial or promotional purposes.

The Messages and Chat functions are respectively aimed at an immediate communication between:

  • users who contact the Customer Center of the site for assistance and customer care activities related to the service.

We may verify the content of the Messages in order to moderate them for security purposes and to preserve the netiquette and editorial rules of the site.

The use of the Messages service entails the possibility that the user's identity (as indicated at the time of registration / provision of the site's services) and related contents are disclosed during the activity sessions.

We reserve the right to exclude from the Messages service, and more generally from the services offered by the site, all those who do not comply with the rules and / or do not respect the purposes defined for the use of the Messages service, as well as all those who adopt non-compliant behavior. correct and / or not respectful of people.

We may ask you, while browsing, for your willingness to participate in targeted surveys in order to know your opinion and the degree of satisfaction with the services provided. These surveys can be carried out directly on the site or through the help of the Zendesk platform.

Within the surveys it may be requested, optionally, to provide an e-mail address in order to receive news and information on the services of the site.

We remind you that participation in surveys is entirely optional and that you can always oppose this treatment.

The data controller makes the “Work with us” page available to consult any professional positions open at the company and reserves the right to evaluate the applications received for the purpose of selecting and recruiting personnel. The curricula received for specific selections may be stored and re-evaluated for subsequent searches for professional positions compatible with the candidate's profile, as long as they are implemented over a period of maximum 2 years. The candidate may oppose the processing of his personal data at any time by writing to the email box. If you are applying, remember to include in your curriculum vitae the declaration with which you consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of selection and avoid entering sensitive personal data (such as health status, religious, philosophical or political beliefs ) not relevant to the job offer.

When you use the site's applications and services with active location tracking, we may collect and process information about your current (approximate) location. These data are processed anonymously, in a format that does not allow the user to be personally identified and used for the sole purpose of facilitating the use of some location-based features of the service. You can activate / deactivate the location services at any time by accessing the settings of your browser and / or your device as follows:

  • Safari
  • Desktop
    • go to "Preferences"> "Websites"> "Location" and remove mister coffee from the list
    • Mobile
      • go to "Preferences"> "Privacy"> "Location" and disable location for Safari
  • Chrome
      • Desktop
        • open Chrome chrome: // settings / content / location and remove 3p Caffe 'from the list
      • Mobile
        • open Chrome and select “Site Settings”> “Location” and remove 3P Caffe 'from the list
  • Firefox
    • Desktop and mobile
      • open Firefox and go to about: preferences # privacy, search for "Permission"> "Location"> "Settings" and remove 3P Caffe 'from the list
  • Internet Explorer
    • Desktop
    • open Internet Explorer, click on the "gear" icon and select "Internet Options" in the privacy panel, under Location press the "Delete Sites" button

This information may be subject to changes. If substantial changes are made to the use of data relating to the user by the Owner, the latter will notify the user by publishing them with the utmost evidence on their pages or through alternative or similar means.